4/12/2008 - My latest project involves the transcription of Adoniram Judson's Book Christian Baptism. I am slightly over halfway done transcribing the book and you can see my current progress here (this progress is missing some elements of formatting which are contained in the original documents). After I finish transcribing the book, I plan to make the final version available for free access in Microsoft Word (.doc) format and E-Sword Topic Module (.top) format. I will attempt to get the second format hosted on some of the premier E-Sword module hosting locations (Missionary David Cox's Website, and Brother Craig White's Website).
4/13/2008 - I am beginning to post papers I wrote during my undergraduate studies (M.A. in Bible, minor in Greek) at Bob Jones University. The first paper is an elongated "sermon," not designed necessarily to be preached, but to be prepared so that the student would be ready to deliver a standard message from the text of Isaiah 55. I also recently preached three sermons on Psalm 40. The first covered verses 1-5. The second message used verses 6-11 as its text. The final message applied verses 12-17 (I need to find a program to compress this one before I can post it) to specific and repetitive struggles. Often, people try to find problems with the Bible. Several of the cited examples were requirements for me to cover in several of my classes. I chose to analyze Saul's Death, Jepthah's vow, and the children attacked by bears after they insulted Elisha.
4/14/2008 - Today I am posting another elongated sermon with lengthy study on Jeremiah 7.
4/15/2008 - Today I give you... Reading Between the Lines: The Identity of the "Sons of God" in Genesis Six.
5/7/2008 - I've been a little busy planning for the wedding, but here are some random thoughts on a random topic.