Jack Bauer in "24"

and his affinity for all things HK

 The HK USP Compact

(Gun of Choice)

 Just enjoying the action on his USP Compact:
 Demonstrating how not to hold the gun:
 Demonstrating how to properly hold the gun:
 Just stylin'...

 HK P2000

Jack gave this gun to his girlfriend Audrey Raines during Season 5.

 HK G36C

An excellent choice for annihilating Chinese covert operatives or stopping spinning exhaust fans (Season 6)...your choice:

 HK MP7 A1

I guess he just wanted to see what 950+ rounds per minute felt like... (Season 6)


Hmmm...I guess I'll check out the view of a hostage exchange from the scope on this thing... (Season 5)

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